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Implant Failure: Review of Causes and Removal Techniques

Implant Failure: Review of Causes and Removal Techniques

While the success rate of dental implants remains very high, unfortunately some do fail. In this post, we review the basic causes of failure, as well ...
Microporous PTFE Membranes for Vertical Augmentation

Microporous PTFE Membranes for Vertical Augmentation

When it comes to non-resorbable membranes, many clinicians remain confused by the 3 different types of non-resorbable membranes. In this post, we will ...
Placement Techniques for OsseoSeal Porcine Collagen Membrane

Placement Techniques for OsseoSeal Porcine Collagen Membrane

Porcine collagen membranes, like OsseoSeal, are popular due to their flexibility and adaptability when hydrated. But, they can pose some challenges if ...
Tenting for Guided Bone Regeneration

Tenting for Guided Bone Regeneration

This patient presents with periimplantitis of the lower left quadrant. Removal of existing implants with Guided Bone Regeneration is required. The ten ...
Root Fragment: Removal and Grafting of Defect

Root Fragment: Removal and Grafting of Defect

A patient presented with a chief complaint of a bad taste and pain localized to the UR posterior area of her implant-supported prosthesis which was pl ...
Sinus Membrane Perforation: Contraindication for implant?

Sinus Membrane Perforation: Contraindication for implant?

Sinus membrane perforation (SMP) is a common complication. A key concern is whether the perforation is a contraindication to implant placement ...
Osteogen Plugs vs Other Plugs?

Osteogen Plugs vs Other Plugs?

Very often we get questions about how the Osteogen Plug compares to similar collagen/graft combination products. Collagen plug and graft combination p ...
Collagen Plugs for Socket Preservation: Benefits and Indications?

Collagen Plugs for Socket Preservation: Benefits and Indications?

How do collagen plugs help in socket preservation, and are there ways to improve their success. ...
Implant Uncovery Technique to Maximize Ridge Augmentation

Implant Uncovery Technique to Maximize Ridge Augmentation

Watch a case describing an implant uncovery technique that will help maximize a GBR procedure and provide a stable peri-implant tissue complex. . ...

Immediate Implant Placement with Guided Bone Regeneration

Immediate Implant Placement with Guided Bone Regeneration

The video case below concerns a case with a Fractured #29 and missing #30, with an immediate implant.

Immediate Implant Placement with Modified Palatal Roll

Immediate Implant Placement with Modified Palatal Roll

This case video below involved the Immediate implant placement of implants in 12 and 13 followed by a modified palatal roll for buccal contour augm ...

The Management of a Hopeless Maxillary Anterior Tooth: Part I

The Management of a Hopeless Maxillary Anterior Tooth: Part I

The following video shows the treatment of a hopeless maxillary anterior tooth, with a focus on post-extraction socket healing and site development ...

The Management of a Hopeless Maxillary Anterior Tooth Part II: Implant Placement and Restoration

The Management of a Hopeless Maxillary Anterior Tooth Part II: Implant Placement and Restoration

In Part II of our Hopeless Maxillary Anterior Tooth series, we describe the implant placement, provisionalization and final restoration.

Intra-Crestal Sinus Lift and Bone Augmentation

Intra-Crestal Sinus Lift and Bone Augmentation

An incredible full-length webinar from Dr. Mongalo on Intra-Crestal Sinus Lifts and Bone Augmentation. Please note that the actual webinar starts a ...

Membrane Adaptability: Using OsseoSeal for Buccal Contour Augmentation

Membrane Adaptability: Using OsseoSeal for Buccal Contour Augmentation

This short video from Dr. Gober demonstrates the use of the OsseoSeal collagen membrane for buccal contour augmentation.

DALI Dermis for Soft Tissue Grafting

DALI Dermis for Soft Tissue Grafting

This video demonstrates the use of DALI Acellular Dermis for soft tissue grafting in a root coverage case.

Regenerating Fenestration Defects during Extraction and Implant Placement

Regenerating Fenestration Defects during Extraction and Implant Placement

This video discusses the regeneration of fenestration defects at the time of extraction and immediate implant placement. Specifically, the video sh ...

Trusting the Process: Removal of Odontoma, GBR, and Placement of Keystone Paltop Implants

Trusting the Process: Removal of Odontoma, GBR, and Placement of Keystone Paltop Implants

This case presented with 2 challenges: the presence of a unique odontoma, and secondly the presence of a periapical radiolucency above #12.

Bone Regeneration of Extensive Socket Defects with Immediate Implant Placement

Bone Regeneration of Extensive Socket Defects with Immediate Implant Placement

This case of severe bone defects, demonstrates some key principles of successful GBR, including the need to stay within the confines of the alveola ...

Suturing for Tension-Free Primary Wound Closure

Suturing for Tension-Free Primary Wound Closure

This video reviews some suturing techniques that can help you achieve primary closure.

Suturing Tips Around Dental Implants in the Mandible

Suturing Tips Around Dental Implants in the Mandible

Learn why a mid-crestal incision is the incision of choice around dental implants in the mandible.

Incision and Flap Design when Repairing Fenestration Defects

Incision and Flap Design when Repairing Fenestration Defects

Learn and review a key point about incision and flap design when repairing fenestration defects.

Post Extraction Oro-Antral Communication Closure

Post Extraction Oro-Antral Communication Closure

This short video presents a case of Oro-Antral Communication following extraction, providing several tips and techniques for managing this difficul ...

Maxillary Molar Extraction Technique: Decoronation and Sectioning

Maxillary Molar Extraction Technique: Decoronation and Sectioning

This short video reviews two cases to demonstrate a Maxillary Molar Extraction Technique using Decoronation and Sectioning.

DALI Acellular Dermis as a Membrane Substitute

DALI Acellular Dermis as a Membrane Substitute

This video demonstrates the use of DALI acellular dermis as a substitute for a standard membrane in a case of contour augmentation.

Cortical Perforations in Guided Bone Regeneration

Cortical Perforations in Guided Bone Regeneration

Learn about cortical perforations and why they are often critical for predictable bone regeneration.

Improving GBR with an Amnion Chorion Membrane: Dual Layer Technique

Improving GBR with an Amnion Chorion Membrane: Dual Layer Technique

This video case demonstrates the use of a DALI amnion-chorion membrane in combination with a porcine collagen membrane for guided bone regeneration ...

Autogenous Free Gingival Graft around Dental Implants

Autogenous Free Gingival Graft around Dental Implants

In this video, we review two cases where autogenous free gingival grafts were performed, and provide several key clinical tips to ensure the succes ...

Alternative to Lateral Sinus Lift

Alternative to Lateral Sinus Lift

In this short video case, Dr. Gober, demonstrates one way of avoiding the need for a lateral sinus lift via the placement of an additional implant. ...

Placement Technique for OsseoSeal Collagen Membrane

Placement Technique for OsseoSeal Collagen Membrane

A few colleagues have asked me about my placement technique for the OsseoSeal membrane. An easy way to apply the membrane is as follows...

Improving Emergence Profile with DALI Dermis

Improving Emergence Profile with DALI Dermis

In some cases, a dermis soft tissue substitute is sometimes better than elevating an extensive flap to facilitate graft and membrane placement.

Facilitate Healing in Bone Regeneration with Amnion-Chorion Membranes

Facilitate Healing in Bone Regeneration with Amnion-Chorion Membranes

In more challenging cases of bone regeneration, sometimes you need something extra to help facilitate healing. Recently, I have been reaching for A ...

GBR for Extensive Defect Around Implants

GBR for Extensive Defect Around Implants

Even when there is an extensive amount of bone loss around teeth planned for extraction, we can still employ immediate placement provided we follow ...

Implant Uncovery: Ensuring Healthy Peri-Implant Tissues

Implant Uncovery: Ensuring Healthy Peri-Implant Tissues

We should take advantage of the surgical uncovery appointment to re-establish vestibular depth and provide a wide zone of keratinized tissue on bot ...

Addressing an Oral-Antral Communication

Addressing an Oral-Antral Communication

We should take advantage of the surgical uncovery appointment to re-establish vestibular depth and provide a wide zone of keratinized tissue on bot ...

Tissue Contour: Have Some Patience

Tissue Contour: Have Some Patience

There are many factors that dictate the peri implant tissue contours and papilla fill. These include: bone levels, distance to the contact point, a ...

Tension- Relief for Primary Closure

Tension- Relief for Primary Closure

When performing extensive GBR, we want to insure the primary closure of the flap margins over the graft and membrane.

Pedicle Graft for a Challenging Recession

Pedicle Graft for a Challenging Recession

When this patient presented for treatment of hopeless #9, the degree of recession present was the major challenge. Due to the lack of tissue presen ...

Two Implants or One?

Two Implants or One?

When replacing two adjacent mandibular incisors, we have the choice to place two implants vs. one implant with a cantilever.

Turn Two Surgeries into One

Turn Two Surgeries into One

What some clinicians may view as a situation requiring a separate GBR procedure prior to implant placement, can often times be treated with implant ...

DALI Flex Graft for Buccal Augmentation

DALI Flex Graft for Buccal Augmentation

Following a GBR at the time of implant placement, a buccal ridge deficiency persisted. Instead of using graft particulate, we decided to use a flex ...

DALI Flex Graft: An Alternative Solution for Defects

DALI Flex Graft: An Alternative Solution for Defects

Following 6 weeks of healing, after using the DALI Flex Graft, we see nice healing and an obvious increase in the facial contour.

Grafting around implant at time of placement: predictable?

Grafting around implant at time of placement: predictable?

How predictable is it to graft the defect around this implant at the time of placement? The major factors I considered in this case were the presen ...

Angled Abutment for Screw-Retained Bridge

Angled Abutment for Screw-Retained Bridge

The facial angulation of # 10 precluded a standard screw-retained option, but we still didn't opt for a cement-retained option.

Soft Tissue Defects: CTG and Dermis

Soft Tissue Defects: CTG and Dermis

Soft tissue defects in dental treatments can vary widely, requiring different approaches depending on the specific circumstances.

Peri-implant Disease: Review of Current Treatment Options and Concepts

Peri-implant Disease: Review of Current Treatment Options and Concepts

In this video from the EAO, Dr. Ausra Ramanauskaite discusses current concepts for treating peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, including ...

Effective Management of an Extraction Site

Effective Management of an Extraction Site

In this video from the EAO, Dr. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz discusses the key considerations for effective management of an extraction site, including a de ...

Improving Buccal Contour Augmentation

Improving Buccal Contour Augmentation

DALI Acellular Dermis (ADM) is a great option for buccal contour augmentation around implants at the time of placement. Depending on the buccal bon ...

Flapless Implant Surgery on Upper Posterior

Flapless Implant Surgery on Upper Posterior

This short video demonstrates flapless implant surgery on the upper posterior, providing a detailed step by step demonstration along with a few ke ...

Immediate Implant for Maxillary Molar

Immediate Implant for Maxillary Molar

It seems as though most folks are still opting to utilize a staged approach when replacing molars, especially maxillary molars. But, immediate impl ...

Using a Flexible Porcine Collagen Membrane over a Graft

Using a Flexible Porcine Collagen Membrane over a Graft

A Flexible Collagen Membrane, is a great option for GBR when looking to contour and “seal” off particulate bone graft in a self-containing defect. ...

Implants: Learning from Past Mistakes

Implants: Learning from Past Mistakes

This is a good implant case to learn from. I placed these dental implants back in 2008 and they were later restored.

Post Load Failure

Post Load Failure

A while back implant companies started promoting fixtures with aggressive threads in an effort to satisfy our desire for increased initial stability. ...