Apical Mattress Suture Technique using Monoglyc

In this video, Dr. Choukroun reviews different suture techniques. Specifically, he covers the Apical Mattress Technique, a new suturing technique that will help you remove tension & mobility of the buccal flap.

Important: This video was originally offered as part of a CE program. We no longer provide any CE credits for this video. It is for informational purposes ONLY.

Speaker: Dr. Joseph Choukroun

It is impossible for tissue to heal well and fast when the tissue is in oxidative stress. This occurs when there is an excess of oxidants or deficiency of antioxidants: smokers and diabetics have issues because they are in chronic oxidative stress... Tension free flap closure in mandatory. Otherwise, soft tissue and bone will fall in oxidative stress.

The solution is to suture the flaps with an adequate technique. In this presentation, Dr. Choukroun reviews the Apical Mattress Technique, a new suturing technique that will help you remove tension & mobility of the buccal flap.  Additionally, he demonstrates the use of the Monoglyc PGCL Suture for the mattress technique.

The lecture covers the following topics:

  • How to achieve soft tissue immobility and fixed buccal flap.
  • How to manage the sutures?
  • When to remove them?
  • What’s the best suture material?
  • How to increase the soft tissue thickness?

About Dr. Joseph Choukroun 

Dr. Joseph Choukroun is a specialist in anesthesiology and pain management. He invented three PRF techniques: L-PRF, A-PRF and i-PRF. Dr. Choukroun also serves as president of SYFAC, an international symposium on growth factors. He is an internationally known speaker and author of several scientific publications.Dr. Choukroun earned his M.D. at the University of Montpellier, France and is owner of a private pain clinic in Nice.

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