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Post Extraction Oro-Antral Communication Closure

This short video presents a case of Oro-Antral Communication following extraction, providing several tips and techniques for managing this difficult situation.

This video case provides a review of techniques needed to properly manage an Oro-Antral Communication following extraction. The  case presented here involved a 50-year old male patient with multiple dental issues. Specifically, 13 and 15 were deemed hopeless, planned for extraction, site preservation and ultimately implant placement. Following extraction, the patient was not compliant with post-operative guidelines and showed up at the office around 5 weeks later complaining of sinus pressure and a bad taste in the mouth.  Upon examination, a clear difference was seen in healing between the sockets, an OAC was suspected, and a nose pinch test was done to confirm the OAC (1). The main technique used to seal the communication was a periosteal release of the buccal flap and subepithelial connective tissue pedicle. (1) As noted in the video, understanding of blood supply surrounding an oro-antral communication is key to proper assessment and management of post-extraction oral antral communication. There are also several other criteria for consideration in these cases (1). In terms of suturing, the key is to make sure the area is passively adapted and closed.


1. World J Plast Surg. 2017 Jan 6(1): 3–8. PMCID: PMC5339603 PMID: 28289607 Management of Oro-antral Communication and Fistula: Various Surgical Options. Pulkit Khandelwal et. al.

Clinically, a large fistula is easily seen on inspection. However, diagnosis of small defect scan be made by the nose blowing test. The patient is asked to close his nostrils and blow gently down the nose with the mouth open...

Numerous surgical procedures have been advocated for closure of OAC/OAF which prevents undesirable and harmful consequences of persistent OAC/OAF. These procedures may be categorised into local flaps, distant flaps and grafting. These include rotating or advancing soft tissues such as buccal flap, palatal flap, submucosal tissue, buccal fat pad and tongue flap...The most common methods used for closure of OAF are the buccal flap and the palatal pedicled flap techniques..


Repairing oro-antral defects like OAC/OAF is one of the most challenging and difficult problems in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. In selecting the surgical approach to close an oro-antral fistula, different criteria must be taken into consideration, like location of defect, size of defect, height of the alveolar ridge, vestibular depth, persistence of defect, sinus inflammation or infection and general health of patient. OAC/OAF should be managed promptly by creating a barrier between oral cavity and maxillary sinus to prevent maxillary sinusitis. 

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